what I was thinking the other day

what I was thinking the other day



Monday, September 8, 2014

Sanscrit name Anahatra (unstruck)


  • heart


  • A circle surrounded by 12 lotus petals and iside it a 6-pointed star

central issues:

  • love
  • unconditional love
  • self love
  • forgiveness
  • green and pink

Essential oils:
  • sandalwood 
  • rose
  • cedarwood

Crystals and Stones
  • rose quartz
  • emeralds
  • aventurine
  • malachite
  • rhodonite

  • Venus
  • Saturn
  • Sun

  • Libra
  • leo
  • Sagittarius

  • Yam

  • touch

  • the feeling body

orientation to self:
  • self-acceptance

  • stability
  • trust
  • physical health
  • prosperity
  • grounding

  • to love and to be loved

Developmental stage:
  • 4 to 7 years

Identity: Social identity

Level of relationship:
  • loving relationships with significant others, with oneself and with all life

  • Grief

  • Air

Hormonal glands:
  • the thymus gland

Organs" Hearth and circulatory system
  • heart
  • lungs
  • bronchial tubes
  • shoulder and arms
  • diaphragm
  • thymus gland
  • lymph glands
  • the immune system
  • the skin
  • the upper back
  • blood
  • circulatory system
  • cardiac plexus
  • entire chest area

  • demanding
  • jealousy
  • co-dependency
  • poor boundaries
  • overly sacrificing
  • possessive

  • antisocial
  • withdrawn
  • cold
  • shy
  • critical
  • judgmental
  • intolerant
  • loneliness
  • depression
  • fear of intimacy and relationships
  • lack of empathy
  • narcissism
  • bitter

  • compassionate
  • loving
  • self-loving
  • empathetic
  • peaceful
  • balanced
  • good immune system

Physical Dysfunctions, illness associated:
  • disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breast, arms, asthma, allergy
  • circulations problems
  • immune system deficiency
  • tension between shoulder blades
  • heart pain
  • heart attack
  • high blood pressure
  • fatigue
  • difficulty breathing
  • tension
  • insomnia
  • anger
  • paranoia
  • cancer

  • tobacco (smoking)
  • sugar
  • love
  • marijuana
Traumas and addictions:
  • rejection
  • abandonment
  • loss
  • shaming
  • constant criticism
  • abuses to lower chakras
  • unacknowledged grief
  • divorce
  • death
  • conditional love
  • loveless environment
  • sexual and physical abuse
  • betrayal

spiritual challenges:
  • to learn compassion
  • value of forgiveness
  • unconditional love

Healing strategy:
  • self-discovery
  • codependency work
  • forgiveness
  • inner child work
  • work with arms
  • reaching out
  • taking in
  • breathing exercise


  • I freely and easily give and receive love, totally forgive others and my self for all past errors and judgments
  • I am worth of love
  • There is an infinite supply of love
  • I live in Balance with others

Imagine your heart Chakra.  The color of this chakra should be a beautiful clear emerals green  If you see any other color, remove it, spin clockwise.

Because the solar plexus chakra is effected so much by our emotions, malfunctioning of it can cause problems with the heart chakra as well as the physical heart.